
What makes you happy

What makes you happy?

When trying to make ourselves happy, it’s easy to get wrapped up in accomplishing goals or holding ourselves to ever-greater standards of perfection. But in reality, this is not the path to happiness. 

If you’ve ever said, “I’ll be happy when ___,” you’re in good company. The problem is happiness isn’t something you achieve or obtain. It’s a state of being. So stop putting off being happy, and accept yourself as you are right now. 

You don’t have to like everything about yourself or your current situation. But, accepting who and where you are will give you the freedom to be happy now, and will bring you closer to achieving those lofty ambitions. 

It’s important to have goals and something to work towards. However, placing unrealistic expectations on yourself will only set you up for failure. Instead of setting a goal of making a certain amount of money by a certain age, make it a challenge for yourself, and set smaller goals to get you there. 

The same goes for relationship goals and self-image. You can choose to be happy today, right now, but accepting your life as it is rather than how you think it should be. 

How do you define happiness? Comment below and share with someone who you think can benefit from this post.

Thanks for reading.