
Eliminate Toxic People From Your Life

Eliminate Toxic People From Your Life

Saying goodbye to toxic people may be easier said than done. But you’re worth it!  Just like negativity breeds negativity, the same goes for positivity. To start the process of eliminating toxic people from your life, you need to identify the Debbie Downers.  Who in your life leaves you feeling down after interactions? If a relationship is weighing on you more than it’s building you up, it’s time to let go.  Now I know what you’re thinking, what about people who are permanent fixtures in your life, such as family members? My answer to that is there’s no reason to put up with people saying or doing unkind things.  The key to protecting yourself from toxic relationships is setting boundaries.  First, identify your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual limits. What makes you feel uncomfortable or stressed?  Some relationships will require a direct conversation about your boundaries, while others won’t. Merely tuning into your feelings can be enough to tell you a boundary is being crossed, and you need to remove yourself for the conversation.  Fear is a universal emotion that holds us back from sticking to our boundaries. For example, we might fear other’s responses if we set and enforce our boundaries. Feeling guilty by speaking up or saying no to a family member is another common fear.  Give yourself permission to set boundaries and work to preserve them.  Two cues that signal you that you’re letting go of our boundaries are discomfort and resentment.  Once you learn your boundaries and live within them, you’ll feel lighter and much happier.  Have you eliminated toxic people?  Share your comment below. 

What makes you happy

What makes you happy?

When trying to make ourselves happy, it’s easy to get wrapped up in accomplishing goals or holding ourselves to ever-greater standards of perfection. But in reality, this is not the path to happiness. 

If you’ve ever said, “I’ll be happy when ___,” you’re in good company. The problem is happiness isn’t something you achieve or obtain. It’s a state of being. So stop putting off being happy, and accept yourself as you are right now. 

You don’t have to like everything about yourself or your current situation. But, accepting who and where you are will give you the freedom to be happy now, and will bring you closer to achieving those lofty ambitions. 

It’s important to have goals and something to work towards. However, placing unrealistic expectations on yourself will only set you up for failure. Instead of setting a goal of making a certain amount of money by a certain age, make it a challenge for yourself, and set smaller goals to get you there. 

The same goes for relationship goals and self-image. You can choose to be happy today, right now, but accepting your life as it is rather than how you think it should be. 

How do you define happiness? Comment below and share with someone who you think can benefit from this post.

Thanks for reading.